Sold Twice, Bought Several: The Remarkable Story Behind a $100M Digital Business


Matt Wilson is the President and Chief Operating Officer of Eastport Holdings, a strategic full-service marketing agency for global brands. Matt’s career spans 30 years of ownership-level management positions before launching Eastport’s acquisition and start-up model, including 10 years at J. Walter Thompson as Vice President and Account Director. At Eastport, Matt is a shareholder and board member heading Eastport’s growth, client retention and development initiatives, training, and new business development.


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Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:

  • Matt Wilson describes the history of Eastport Holdings and his responsibilities at SBC Advertising and 500 Degrees 
  • Why SBC opted for acquisition by Eastport and the companies Eastport prefers to acquire
  • What motivates employees to stay with Eastport?
  • Matt talks about the importance of understanding a transaction’s legal language and shares his advice for entrepreneurs selling their business

In this episode…

You’ve built up a great business, but now you’re thinking it’s time to sell. What should you know before talking to sellers so you can get the best value for your business?

Matt Wilson, President and Chief Operating Officer of Eastport Holdings, shares his story of selling his business to join a $100M digital agency. Matt sits down with host, Todd Taskey, to discuss the importance of understanding the legal language of a transaction, why you should always trust your gut, and how the team at Eastport Holdings decides which companies to acquire. 

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