Creating Customer & Agency Value – A HubSpot Perspective

Barrett KingBarrett King is the Sales Manager at HubSpot, a customer relationship management (CRM) platform that helps agencies generate recurring revenue. He has a diverse range of business and technology experience with skills in a variety of disciplines, including sales, marketing, and team leadership. Throughout his career, Barrett has been trained in the Sandler Sales Methodology and spent time in both inbound and outbound sales organizations. 

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Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:

  • Barrett King’s career background and how he joined HubSpot
  • The importance of agency and client relationships
  • Barrett’s keys to success: building, growing, and scaling
  • How HubSpot helps agencies increase their revenue
  • Barrett explains diamond and elite HubSpot partners

In this episode…

Are you trying to increase your revenue? How can you provide your customers with valuable services to build, grow, and scale your agency?

Sales Manager at HubSpot, Barrett King, talks about generating recurring revenue and creating value in your agency. With host Todd Taskey, he shares the importance of agency and client relationships, his three keys to success, and how HubSpot helps agencies grow their revenue.

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