Lance LovedayLance Loveday is the Chairman of Closed Loop, a boutique digital advertising agency. The company has managed over $1 billion in digital ad spend for clients, including AWS and Intercom. As an angel investor, Lance serves on the boards of both the Sacramento Angels and Placer Robotics, a regional non-profit teaching STEM skills to local students. 

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Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:

  • Lance Loveday gives an overview of Closed Loop and his entrepreneurial journey
  • How Closed Loop acquired a creative team
  • The benefits of acqui-hiring and how to integrate new employees
  • Lance’s transition from CEO to Chairman
  • Why Lance has declined private equity acquisitions

In this episode…

If you want to escape from the day-to-day and transition out of your business, consider acqui-hiring. This strategic transaction allows you to acquire a company’s talent and take the burden off yourself. So what else is involved, and how can you benefit from this transaction?

Lance Loveday, the Chairman of Closed Loop, shares his trajectory from CEO to Chairman. With host Todd Taskey, Lance shares how Closed Loop acquired a creative team through acqui-hiring, why he has declined opportunities from private equity, and how to integrate new employees following an acqui-hire.

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