Better Systems = Better Margins = Bigger Exit

Adi KlevitAdi Klevit is the Founder and CEO of Business Success Consulting Group, which identifies, creates, and documents processes to help businesses scale. She has 25 years of experience as a trained industrial engineer, management consultant, and business executive. With this knowledge, Adi helps organizations and companies improve efficiency and performance. 

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Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:

  • How Adi Klevit helps fast-growing companies implement systems and processes
  • The benefits of quality systems and the pitfalls of poor processes
  • Integrating varying procedures during an acquisition
  • How to systematize a business for a transaction

In this episode…

Companies preparing for a sale often encounter inefficiencies and disorganization. Learn how implementing systems and processes can streamline operations and boost your company’s valuation.

Founder and CEO of Business Success Consulting Group, Adi Klevit, explains the importance of processes and procedures to an organization’s value proposition. With host Todd Taskey, Adi explains the dangers of inefficient processes, how to integrate separate processes during a merger, and how to systemize a business for a transaction.

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This episode is brought to you by Teamshares, a FinTech firm that helps employees in small businesses earn equity. 

Through education, good governance, and digital products, their mission is to help small businesses become employee-owned and generate wealth for every hard working American. 

Teamshares has an expert team with decades of experience in accounting, company acquisitions, education, employee ownership, operations, software, and service design.

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