Can You Really Be a “Platform Investment” at $1.25m EBITDA?

David SlenzakDavid Slenzak is the Co-founder and Managing Partner at Broadtree Partners, a lower middle market private equity firm. With extensive experience in the search fund management process, he has both managed and exited an acquired business. David specializes in government contracting, healthcare, and technology companies. 

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Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:

  • Navigating management transfers during growth and acquisition
  • The value of obtaining the second bite of the apple
  • How David Slenzak builds and invests in sales teams
  • David talks about scaling a platform company
  • What is Broadtree Partners’ ideal business?

In this episode…

As a lower middle market company with less than $2 million of EBITDA, is it possible to get acquired more than once? When you partner with a strategic private equity group, you can secure the second — and even third — bite of the apple.

David Slenzak, the Co-founder and Managing Partner at Broadtree Partners, talks about how he builds and scales platform companies. With host Todd Taskey, David explains how he constructs and invests in sales teams, Broadtree Partners’ ideal companies, and how he navigates management transfers during growth and acquisition.

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