First Generation Entrepreneur Executing on a $400M Vision

Gautam IjoorGautam Ijoor is the Founder, CEO, and President of Alpha Omega Integration, a leading federal contracting business specializing in intelligent government IT solutions. Through three acquisitions, he has grown the firm to $137 million in yearly revenue. Before Alpha Omega, Gautam was the CEO of C3 Systems, where he handled the M&A activities and reviews on 18 potential firms while securing $10 million in funding.

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Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:

  • Gautam Ijoor shares Alpha Omega’s origins and ideal clients
  • Alpha Omega’s strategic growth acquisitions and future private equity transactions
  • How Gautam executes his goal to acquire a company of equal revenue
  • What are Alpha Omega’s industry criteria for M&A companies? 
  • Key considerations for building private equity partnerships

In this episode…

Are you considering accelerating revenue through private equity? How can you evaluate, select, and nurture private equity partnerships to maximize business value?

Founder, CEO, and President of Alpha Omega Integration, Gautam Ijoor, shares his vision to scale his company to $400 million in revenue. With host Todd Taskey, Gautam describes Alpha Omega’s industry criteria for M&A companies, how to build private equity partnerships, and how he executes his goal to acquire a company of equal size. 

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This episode is brought to you by Teamshares, a FinTech firm that helps employees in small businesses earn equity. 

Through education, good governance, and digital products, their mission is to help small businesses become employee-owned and generate wealth for every hard working American. 

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