First Time Exit and Proper Positioning for Big Second Bite

Fred ChiangFred Chiang is the Co-founder and Managing Partner at Pivot CMO, a digital marketing agency specializing in growth and acquisition. With his strong marketing and software engineering expertise, he’s accelerated the growth of Silicon Valley startups to scale through organic and paid acquisition strategies.

Shawn SheikhShawn Sheikh is a serial entrepreneur as well as the Co-founder and Managing Partner at Pivot CMO. At Pivot CMO, he advises several Silicon Valley and Silicon Beach startups with a focus on growth and customer acquisition. Shawn’s expertise lies in growth, business and software development, and marketing.

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Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:

  • How Pivot CMO built a business around paid social media ads, Google Ads, and SEO marketing
  • Creating strategic business partnerships to grow your business to new heights
  • Three essential elements to determine whether or not you are getting the best possible deal for your business
  • Forging business partnerships and protecting your income in the process
  • Securing your business and having the hard conversations stipulated in your Letter of Intent (LOI)

In this episode…

Strategic business partnerships can help you take your company to new heights but are you equipped with the knowledge to find your perfect match for a business partnership? How will you determine which partner is right for you, and how do you get that partnership in place?

Co-founders and Managing Partners at Pivot CMO, Fred Chiang and Shawn Sheikh, talk about what it takes to build an effective strategic business partnership while protecting your company in the process. With host, Todd Taskey, they share their insights on finding, developing, and maintaining an effective and collaborative relationship.

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