How an Unexpected “Knock at the Door” Resulted in a Fortune for Two First-Time Entrepreneurs

Korby Wright

Korby Wright and Mark Covrig are Senior Advisors at Coforge, a global IT solutions company with a focus on AI, cloud, and insight-driven technologies to turn businesses into valuable enterprises. Korby and Mark were the Co-founders and Enterprise System Architects of RuleTek before selling the company to become Coforge. 

Mark Covrig

Korby and Mark are both skilled PRPC Lead System Architects. Before joining forces, Korby was a Technology Consultant at BPM Specialists and a Managing Consultant at Accenture. Mark was a Consultant at Accenture and the Owner of Covrig Enterprises.


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Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:

  • Korby Wright and Mark Covrig discuss how they scaled their company, RuleTek, and got their second bite
  • How Korby and Mark knew it was time for a transaction and the development of their successful valuation formula
  • How can a transaction make you feel like a more successful CEO or business owner?
  • Korby and Mark offer advice to business owners who’ve gotten interest about a transaction

In this episode…

Are you ready to sell your company, but aren’t getting any bites? How can you get the most valuation out of your transaction? Should you continue business as usual after a transaction? Korby Wright and Mark Covrig are here to give you some advice.

Senior Advisors at Coforge, Korby Wright and Mark Covrig, talk about the successful valuation formula that earned them millions from their transaction. Along with host Todd Taskey, they discuss the signs that tell you to sell your company, how to get a second bite, reaping the benefits of a transaction for years to come, and much more. 

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