How Entrepreneurs Recognize Opportunity When it Appears in Unusual Forms

Wesley MathewsWesley Mathews is the Co-founder and Chief Growth Officer at High Level Marketing (HLM). Wesley helped scale HLM from an idea to a quickly growing company. At HLM, Wesley drives the business development strategy with strong leadership, deep care for his people, and a passion for helping small businesses grow. He also sits on the Board for EO Detroit.

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Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:

  • How did Wesley Mathews decide who to sell High Level Marketing (HLM) to?
  • Wesley explains how he calculates the cost of building teams
  • Advice for handling your team’s reactions and emotions during a transitional transaction
  • Why HLM has grown tremendously since the transaction

In this episode…

How do you find the right person to continue growing your business after your exit? How do you handle the transition and, just as importantly, your employees’ reactions?

Co-founder and Chief Growth Officer of High Level Marketing (HLM), Wesley Mathews, shares how he found the best possible opportunity for an exit. Wesley sits down with host, Todd Taskey, to discuss why he decided to sell HLM to Scott Bell, how it’s benefited the business, and the financial details of the transaction.

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Trivest is a top private equity firm created specifically for founders and family-owned companies. They have completed 300+ transactions and are on Inc. Magazine’s Founder Friendly list for 2019 and 2020.

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