How Managing Industry Complexity Creates Niche Expertise and Valuable Agency [Going it Alone Series]

alex porter

Alex Porter is the CEO of Location3, a Denver-based digital marketing agency. Location3 was founded in 1999 to provide global direct response results to clients by leveraging search engine marketing and display media. During his 15-year tenure with Location3, Alex has also served as Vice President, President, and Chief Strategy Officer. His insight as an influential thought leader has been featured in publications such as BizReport, MediaPost, Adotas, and more.

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Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:

  • Alex Porter describes how Location3 drives results at the national enterprise level and the local franchise level
  • Why Alex realized they needed a niche and what they landed on: becoming the best digital partner in the franchise space
  • How can you create an amazing work culture both in person and virtually?
  • Why Alex chooses to grow the business on his own instead of selling
  • Alex shares why Location3 has been so successful: playing the long game

In this episode…

With an increasing number of digital marketing agencies cropping up, how do you stand out? How do you decide exactly who you are and what you do as a business? 

Alex Porter, CEO of Location3, shares how narrowing your agency’s niche can bring exponential growth. Alex sits down with host, Todd Taskey, to discuss why the team at Location3 decided to focus on franchises, why client performance is top of mind for the agency, and why he chooses to continue growing the business on his own without selling it. 

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