The 5-Year Earnout That Exceeded Projections, Payouts and All Expectations

Matt WhiteMatt White is the President of WHITE64, a full-service creative agency with clients, including Metro, Hilton, and Koons Automotive Group. He is also a Corporate Officer and board member of Port Annapolis Marina and serves on the board of several additional organizations. As an advertising and new media executive, Matt focuses on hiring quality talent, creating a positive work environment, and making every client feel special. 

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Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:

  • The evolution of WHITE64 and its acquisition trajectory
  • How Matt White structured WHITE64’s earnout
  • Managing a leadership team post-acquisition
  • Tips for identifying acquisition partners
  • Two pivotal factors in earnouts

In this episode…

As an established and reputable company, how can you advance your valuation? An earnout sale allows you to profit from your business’ growth. So how can you secure the second bite of the apple?

Matt White, the President of WHITE64, details his agency’s five-year earnout. With host Todd Taskey, Matt shares WHITE64’s acquisition trajectory, how to manage a leadership team following a sale, and crucial considerations for earnout sales. 

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This episode is brought to you by Teamshares, a FinTech firm that helps employees in small businesses earn equity. 

Through education, good governance, and digital products, their mission is to help small businesses become employee-owned and generate wealth for every hard working American. 

Teamshares has an expert team with decades of experience in accounting, company acquisitions, education, employee ownership, operations, software, and service design.

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