Nat BermanNat Berman is the CEO of Uncoached Corp, where he works with motivated individuals and teams to reach peak performance levels. As a multi-million dollar entrepreneur, he helps CEOs, founders, and entrepreneurs gain clarity. Over 17 years, Nat grew a portfolio of 25 sites that reached millions of visitors each month. 

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Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:

  • Nat Berman’s definition of financial freedom and how he achieved it
  • What are professionals’ most common inflection points?
  • How Nat built a portfolio of websites
  • Leveraging acquisitions to grow a portfolio
  • Nat explains mountain top syndrome

In this episode…

Have you reached an impasse in your career? Are you feeling unfulfilled in your professional life? Learn business and life lessons from an entrepreneurial coach who built a portfolio from scratch and attained financial freedom.

Business coach and CEO of Uncoached Corp, Nat Berman, talks about entrepreneurs’ standard career conflicts. With host Todd Taskey, Nat shares how to leverage acquisitions to grow a portfolio, the definitions of financial freedom and mountain top syndrome, and the most common inflection points for professionals.

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This episode is brought to you by Teamshares, a FinTech firm that helps employees in small businesses earn equity. 

Through education, good governance, and digital products, their mission is to help small businesses become employee-owned and generate wealth for every hard working American. 

Teamshares has an expert team with decades of experience in accounting, company acquisitions, education, employee ownership, operations, software, and service design.

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