Can You Really Be a “Platform Investment” at $1.25m EBITDA?
David Slenzak, the Co-founder and Managing Partner at Broadtree Partners, talks about how he builds and scales platform companies. With host Todd Taskey, David explains how he constructs and invests in sales teams, Broadtree Partners’ ideal companies, and how he navigates management transfers during growth and acquisition.
Lessons and Insights From a 3X Founder
CEO and Managing Partner of From the Future, Lance Hollander, talks about the conditions of his merger. With host Todd Taskey, Lance explains how agency owners can navigate a non-compete agreement, how he capitalized on post-transaction opportunities, and his tips for maximizing the value of each transaction.
When Everything Works Perfectly (Really)
Ned MacPherson, the Founder and Growth Lead at Endrock, talks about the due diligence process of his recent transaction. With host Todd Taskey, Ned describes how to assess value and structure deals, how building a relationship with his buyer helped accelerate his company, and what you should know about partnering with private equity.
How Being Strategically Acquired Accelerated This Entrepreneur’s Dream & Expanded His Vision
Founder and CEO of Digital Impulse, Andrew Kolidas, talks about his acquisition journey. With host Todd Taskey, Andrew shares how he structured his transaction, why he leveraged a banker to navigate his acquisition, and his involvement in future deals.
Hidden Tax and Benefit Opportunities Founders Always Overlook
Founder and President of Fahmy & Associates, Ken Fahmy, shares tax benefit opportunities for small business owners. With host Todd Taskey, Ken discusses investment plans for tax deductions, how to manage your finances to prepare for an exit, and the value of business beneficiary plans.
5X Return on Fee & Strategic Coup
Mike Perez, the President of iLaywerMarketing, shares how he navigated the legal ramifications of his business sale. With host Todd Taskey, Mike explains how he partnered with private equity companies, how to collaborate with stakeholders during a transaction, and advice for enhancing company value.
What Is Mountain Top Syndrome?
Business coach and CEO of Uncoached Corp, Nat Berman, talks about entrepreneurs’ standard career conflicts. With host Todd Taskey, Nat shares how to leverage acquisitions to grow a portfolio, the definitions of financial freedom and mountain top syndrome, and the most common inflection points for professionals.
Better Systems = Better Margins = Bigger Exit
Founder and CEO of Business Success Consulting Group, Adi Klevit, explains the importance of processes and procedures to an organization’s value proposition. With host Todd Taskey, Adi explains the dangers of inefficient processes, how to integrate separate processes during a merger, and how to systemize a business for a transaction.
Life After a Successful Exit – Opportunities, Excitement & New Challenges
Shift Digital’s Advisor and Executive, Felix Laboy, shares the details of his first business transaction. With host Todd Taskey, Felix divulges how he structured and managed sale agreements, the practical components of a business transaction, and how to position yourself as a knowledgeable executive.
The 5-Year Earnout That Exceeded Projections, Payouts and All Expectations
Matt White, the President of WHITE64, details his agency’s five-year earnout. With host Todd Taskey, Matt shares WHITE64’s acquisition trajectory, how to manage a leadership team following a sale, and crucial considerations for earnout sales.